Data Science as a Career!

Pratik Patel
2 min readJun 15, 2018

Hello there,

I am Pratik Patel living in city of Diamonds(Surat, Gujarat, India). I am writing the first article on the Medium and sharing my story why I want to choose myself as Data Scientist.

From childhood I always like to find new things, innovations and enhance the functionality of existing stuff. I was not the bright student in my class but I’d always understood things more than my smarter colleagues.

When I was 7 year old I saw the Computer 1st time and I fell in love with it, Then I understood the basics of it in no time and I was able to operate it very easily unlink many others at my age.

I took admission in reputed college of Gujarat, India and studied as Computer Engineer. I was average student in my class and at the end of my last semester I got job offer from campus as QA Engineer in good company called Cybage Pvt. Ltd, Gandhinagar. Initially I was assigned to one manual project for few days but I’d interest in Automation so I moved to Automation Testing Project. In that project I learned trending technologies like Docker, Selenium, Gradle and Jenkins. But I always felt that something is missing I don’t want to continue my job for rest of my life even if it was a bit good. There is a sensation in my heart that I need to do something which can affect the way of life we all are living. And that time the Blockchain(Bitcoin) bubble was getting bigger and bigger but because of restrictions and uncertainty of Crypto-currencies such as BitCoin I got stayed out of that. The other game changing technology which was getting traction was Machine learning and I really felt passionate about it because of it’s power, capability and stability.

Tech giants like Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon and so many more are using AI/Machine learning technologies in order to reduce the human effort and making people(and theirs too :) ) life easy.

As a Data Scientist you should be excellent at Mathematics and Python is the best language to deal with the Mathematics and Numerical computational, So I will post the articles about that chapter by chapter.

The motive of all this articles would be to make you excellent at Machine Learning, AI and eventually Data Scientist. I’d read so many books, tutorials, watched videos and spent so much time to behind learning all this, I wish you to become professional in this area in short timespan.

Thank you.!

